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Your Independent Strategic Partner

Conference Meeting
Business Meeting


Increase knowledge of domestic abuse and stalking

As an accredited trainer for domestic abuse, stalking and recovery programmes I can support you and your organisation in developing and training for staff. Campaigning for human rights, and raising awareness has been fundamental in my career and I have worked with television, radio and on social media to promote these issues. Speaking publicly at different conferences and to professionals has enabled me to highlight good practice, area's of learning and development.  I will work with you to ensure training is bespoke to the needs of your workforce.


"Katie was excellent in her knowledge and keeping the energy up throughout the training day, she made domestic abuse easier to understand and provided different ideas in how we can work with those who come into our service." 


"Katie was really engaging and clearly an expert on the topic. All the information was relevant and interesting, I think it will really help to improve my practice.
All the information felt easy to relate to practice and we were given lots of helpful resources that we could use going forward. One of the best trainings I've ever


Katie’s support in educating the next generation of social workers is invaluable. Her expertise and extensive experience in working in a wide range of roles focused on the living experience of domestic abuse and its effects on individuals, families, communities and wider society, means her teaching is up to the minute and her approach is very humane. She is great to work with and her unique insights into domestic abuse enable our students to learn from her knowledge and skills.



Support you effectively engage and work with those impacted by domestic abuse and stalking

Throughout my career I have worked in statutory and charity services achieving national accreditation as well as supporting agencies in achieving this. As a consultant I will be able to offer you independent support, advice to assess & review policy and your service delivery.  I will support you in working in a trauma informed way, identifying gaps, finding effective and achievable solutions for those affected by domestic abuse and stalking.


Examples of consultancy work completed: 

DA-Needs-Assessment-V1.7.pdf (

Social Work Practice with Adults: Learning from Lived Experience (Transforming Social Work Practice Series): Lee, Sally, Oliver, Louise: 9781529781250: Books

Virtual Team Meeting


An experienced Independent Chair

As a chair for Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs), Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) and Multi Agency Management Meetings (MARMMs) meetings, I provide an independent overview of services, cases and service delivery. I am non-judgemental and transparent, working closely with agencies and families. I am available to chair meetings virtually or in person, adapting to the needs of the client.


“ Katie is an experienced and knowledgeable chair with significant understanding of the complex dynamics of domestic abuse. She demonstrates sensitivity and care towards the victim and perpetrator’s family as well as ensuring a balanced analysis of the facts. Katie is dedicated to ensuring inclusivity within the process as well as ensuring that the families’ and the panel’s views are represented. She is a skilful report writer, demonstrating insight and awareness of themes enabling concise and measurable recommendations to be implemented. Katie is a high quality author and independent chair.”  

Southend , Essex & Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board (SETDAB).


Published DHRs

Harlow Domestic Homicide Review - 2022 - Southend and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Partnership (

Domestic Homicide Reviews (

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